Do u really even know me?

So i was thinking,...all u ppl just go around and add ppl to your friends on your myspace without even knowing them just to see how many ppl you can get. lets see how well,.. IF AT ALL... you know me. this should be interesting.

let me know how you did. Oh, and Dont feel TOO bad if you totally bomb this. im not expecting many ppl to score high. Not to many ppl know me all that well. lol

Created by: Andi

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. My FaVoRiTe cOlOr?
  2. My Favorite Sport?
  3. If i CoUlD Be AnY "LaBeL" It WouLd Be...
  4. In general, what type of person and i really?
  5. Whats the hardest thing for me to do?
  6. what most describes the way i feel when i think about college next year?
  7. Favorite Player ever!
  8. what do i hate the most
  9. What number was i in volleyball this year?
  10. Where am i going to college?
  11. What am i planning on going to college for?
  12. Fave thing to wear?
  13. Type of music that occupies 90% of my ipod?
  14. Whats my BIGGEST fear?
  15. Favorite group ever!? :-)
  16. When i have free time wat do u do?
  17. Favorite food?
  18. What i consider to be my biggest problem?
  19. Do i just have one best friend?
  20. Whose older?.. Billy or me?
  21. Have i ever lived outta Mn?
  22. How many ppl r in my family?
  23. How many times have i broken an arm?
  24. The one that most describes me..
  25. Im touble jointed...

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