Do I Think You're A Loser?

We already know you're a loser because you're viewing this quiz. Question is, how much of a loser are you? Are you just a flat out loser, or are you alright?

I know you're dying to know just what I think of you. Take this quiz and find out how much of a loser I think you are. Complete & total loser...or if you're just on you're way there.

Created by: GoddessJasmine of Goddess Jasmine
(your link here more info)

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you rent or own?
  2. What is your annual income?
  3. How big is your d**k?
  4. How tall are you?
  5. Are you into financial domination?
  6. In a relationship?
  7. What kind of car do you drive?
  8. How often do you go out with friends?
  9. How often do you spend your money on Me?
  10. Do you live with your parents?

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