Devin's Food and Drink

I pride myself in having many friends and associates. In this light, I like to chat, and I like going out and having a good time. I love good food and a good drink. In fact, I have a weight problem: I can't "weight" to eat!

In all the times we have hung out, how much of that knowlege about me have you retained? If I came over to your house for dinner, would I go home satisfied, or would you see me playing with my food and barely eating it? Let's find out.

Created by: Devin Love-Andrews

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is Devin's favorite restaurant?
  2. What are Devin's favorite foods?
  3. What is Devin's favorite dessert?
  4. What would Devin rather starve to death than eat?
  5. What kind of salad dressing does Devin prefer?
  6. What food will Devin not eat because of childhood experiences?
  7. What does Devin usually eat on Sunday afternoons?
  8. When Devin has extra money and time, where does he like to lounge?
  9. What is Devin's favorite wine?
  10. What is Devin's favorite American beer?
  11. What is Devin's favorite IMPORTED beer?
  12. Devin likes carbonated mineral water. Which is his favorite?

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