Darkness in your Death

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This is a story about a vampire boy and a school girl who meet and learn about the secrets of the vampirism of Tal and about his family and his life in the past.

Your name is Austin. You go to school at the Wenstmine Girl's Boarding School. You are in the library one day and you meet a really hot vampire boy named Tal. Read the story to find out more!

Created by: Cazadora

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You walk out of your biology class and go to the library. It is a rainy, dreary day and you would really rather be sleeping instead of at school. You walk into the library and sit down at a table.
  2. After you sit down at the table someone walks up behind you and puts their hands on your shoulders.
  3. You look down at the hands and all you see is tattoos. You look up at the person and see the hottest boy you have ever seen in your whole entire life! He has light pink hair, tattoos on his arms and neck, and has a lip ring!
  4. He looks down at you and smiles. "My name is Tal. I've been expecting you."
  5. You are terrified and in a trance from his hotness all at the same time. He removes his hands from your shoulders.
  6. You manage to sqeak out words. "Hello, Tal." You are still amazed by his attractiveness. "Hello Austin," he says, "You are Austin right?"
  7. "Yes. You know me HOW?" "I know everyone. You are Austin, RIGHT?" "Yes."
  8. He takes one step closer, his arms behind him. You take two steps closer, lips perched. You both lean in for a kiss and...
  9. ...he turns into a bat and flies away. You look in udder shock at the cloud he left behind.
  10. You feel breeze behind you. You turn. Tao is sitting perched on a bookcase... in his human form.
  11. "Tal..." You creep closer to where he is perched. You hadn't noticed it before, but he wears all black. Black sweater, black skinny jeans, and black man high heels.
  12. "Austin," he said, "I have a secret."
  13. See part 2 to find out what Tal's secret is. :)

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Quiz topic: Darkness in my Death