Dark Lord Quiz part1

There are many dark people in the world. But to what degree? To what level is your darkness. Are you a nobody? An apprentice or a dark lord. If you so please to test your skills against this quiz and see for yourself if you truely have what it takes.

Are you a Dark Lord? And if so how much of your body is consumed in this darkness. Are really able to say you are a Dark Lord? Answer honestly and let the test tell you the truth about yourself and your true powers...or lack there of.

Created by: Simone
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Scenario #1 Your alarm clock rings. Its morning, rise and shine you...
  2. Scenario # 2 Breakfast?
  3. Scenario #3 On your way to school, a Beggar stops you, he needs some money...
  4. Scenario #4 You arrive at school
  5. Scenario #5 There is a cute girl at school who has shown sudden interest in you. How do you react
  6. Scenario #6 If I were to walk into your room I would find...
  7. Scenario # 7 How well do you do in school?
  8. Scenario # 8 At lunch what table do you sit at?
  9. Scenario #9 A teacher picks on you during class, when it wasn't you, but your classmate causing the problem. what do you do?
  10. Last scenario for part 1 You graduate dark lord school. You are given a selection of weapons. which one do you choose?

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