Da Halo 3 Quiz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

this quiz about da game halo 3 it is to see wat you say after stuff this quiz about da game halo 3 it is to see wat you say after stuff this quiz about da game halo 3 it is to see wat you say after stuff this quiz about da game halo 3 it is to see wat you say after stuff this quiz about da game halo 3 it is to see wat you say after stuffthis quiz about da game halo 3 it is to see wat you say after stuff this quiz about da game halo 3 it is to see wat you say after stuff this quiz about da game halo 3 it is to see wat you say after stuff this quiz about da game halo 3 it is to see wat you say after stuff this quiz about da game halo 3 it is to see wat you say after stuff this quiz about da game halo 3 it is to see wat you say after stuff

this quiz about da game halo 3 it is to see wat you say after stuffthis quiz about da game halo 3 it is to see wat you say after stuff this quiz about da game halo 3 it is to see wat you say after stuff this quiz about da game halo 3 it is to see wat you say after stuff this quiz about da game halo 3 it is to see wat you say after stuff

Created by: jason

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Wat Do You Do After You Own SumOne
  2. once you No scope sumone in da face with a Sniper wat do you do
  3. wat do u say when sum random guy says to you come talk to me when ur balls drop
  4. when you get in to a BR fight wehere do you aim at
  5. after da game wat do you say to da ppl that u just owned really bad
  6. wat would you say if sumone said they are gunna hack ur accout
  7. after u kill a guy that had a OS and u beat him down wat do u say
  8. has anyone ever said to you that there gunna come to ur house and kill you wat do u say back
  9. after u get a Dub kill wat do you say
  10. after one of ur friend own u wat do you say back to them

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