
There are many people out there who call themselves Christians. Many people do. But do we really know if they are lying or not? NO! You would only be able to tell by is if you know their character.

Are YOU a Christian? Will you show me, and the rest of the world, how strong your faith is? Now you can PROVE to the outside world how many there are!

Created by: Caleb

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your favorite color?
  2. Pick a number.
  3. Favorite Fruit?
  4. What time of day were you born?
  5. Where were you born?
  6. Do you have a girlfriend?
  7. Choose.
  8. Do you have a tree in your front/back yard?
  9. Have you been to college?
  10. Do you attend church?

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