
"Memories, like the corners of my mind" Cynthia cooed softly to Jack. "Misty water coloured memories, of the way we were. Cynthia knew she was playing with fire, The matron had warned her many times before. "You haven't time to be singing to them my dear, there's work to be done" The voice still resonated through her head like an echo. She had been suspended from duties for a week just a few months back, accused of not doing her duties, but she had always made sure her tasks were completed before she sang to her patients. Even while on suspension she still came in on her own time to sing to those that it made such a difference to. The smile on Jacks face alone, made it all worthwhile. She was well aware that this one song, "The way we were" was special to Jack.
his mind, didn't allow him to understand why. Jacks laughter just brought on more laughter from the two women. The moment was broken by a booming voice echoing up the corridor. "What is going on here? Its time the lights were out in Room 18, that old person needs their sleep. And you Cynthia Mulvaney are treading on very thin ice" Cynthia was seething, she gently let go of Jacks hand as she rose from the bed. She entered the corridor which acted like an echo tunnel, especially when Matrons voice was in use! Cynthia felt compelled to stand up for Jack, and herself. "If you don't mind, this gentleman's name is Jack William Dawson, not Room 18 and it is only eight thirty pm. Jack will get to sleep when feels like it, not when you decide it for him" Cynthia knew by the expression on Matrons face what was coming next. "My office immediately" barked Matron, Cynthia turned to re enter Jacks room, and walked slowly to his bedside. She bent to put the worn photo album back into Jacks hand, and walked silently out of the room.
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