Creating a review quiz for Mr. Kraz

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You are about to invoke on a very important task - creating a quiz that will help your fellow classmates prepare for the upcoming Midterm exam. It's a task that is not as easy as it seems.

"Why?" you ask? Because creating a question that is not too difficult but stills challenges the learner is a challenge. If you can make the quiz taker think while reviewing for the exam, you have done your job.

Created by: Mr. Krawczewicz
  1. How many questions should you create for each quiz?
  2. Should it contain any Yes/No questions?
  3. Can it contain True/False questions?
  4. What reading can you create a quiz for?
  5. How many quizzes can you create?
  6. What's a good use for a "flashcard" quiz?
  7. If you are creating a quiz using quotes from a novel, the answers should come from a list of
  8. If you are creating a set of quotes from a unit (several stories and poems), the possible choices should be
  9. Other story questions should center on
  10. When thinking of possible questions, always remember to

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