Could YOU survive a night in a haunted house?

There are many survivors. You, are one. I would have used Net-Speak but it says not to. You are SUPER AWESOME. YOU, would survive the entire night plus more!!! With MORE PUZZLES AND QUESTIONS! Im not making anymore quizzes. So say goodbye to me. -N/A

Are YOU able to survive a haunted house? Take a few minutes and youll find out... Your cool, you'll figure it out. Your smart, I hope. You'll figure it out. Seriously. Do I need to repeat myself? Really? I do? JUST PLAY THE QUIZ. Naw im kidding you dont have to if you dont want to.

Created by: N/A

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. You wake up and see an emo kid watching you sleep.
  2. He leads you to the hallway, where a wall of dead bodies block the way. "SHOOPIN THE WHOOPIN" You yell as you fire a huge laser, clearing the way. You...
  3. You go down stairs, you come across more emos who are dancing around a fire. You...
  4. they fall in the fire. The front door is locked. You see a door with blood seeping out from under it. In the living room, a door with I-SCAN2000 built into it. The emo shot himself.
  5. Coming across the blood puddle, you find an eye, a How To Kill Yourself book, and a journal that looks useful. You...
  6. What do you do now? You hear a loud CRASH coming from your bedroom. Or what was where you were sleeping. You hear something groan and break things. It's going to the stairs. You.. (each option wont kill you!)
  7. You get outside with the last eye remaining of the owner of the I-SCAN2000. Whatever was in there is trapped. You-
  8. you come across McDonalds. You hear the exact groaning coming from in there. You-
  9. Two more hours until day light. You go to-..
  10. You come across a sign. "WELCOME TO (You name the City). Pay the tax and no one gets shot." You realise this is your home town. You can Go Home or DRAMATIC ENDING!!
  11. Dramatic Ending: The world explodes but you and your town are safe! YAY!
  12. Go Home: You miss the dramatic Ending. You take a big poop and fall into the toilet. You died!

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