Could you date me (Guys Only)

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Do you have what it takes to date Anna Awesome pants? Do you do you now And im still typing and waiting and waiting and waiting there we go one hundred and sixty six

Do you have what it takes to date Anna Awesome pants? Do you do you now And im still typing and waiting and waiting and waiting there we go one hundred and sixty six and now this is different

Created by: Anna Awesomepants
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you like sports
  2. Do you like pets
  3. What are you like in social situations
  4. What is your favorite subject
  5. Do you like siblings
  6. If you could ask me one question what would it be
  7. Do you think tennis is a sport requiring a lot of athletic ability
  8. Do you like...
  9. What is your favorite dog
  10. Do you play video games
  11. Do you ever lie

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