Could you be my friend?

There are lot of people out in the world and I want to see which one of them take this quiz and score high or really good to see who is like me :D and who would probably be my friendy. Kk?

I hope you like this quiz and please if you'd like comment and rate unless you're gonna rate low.... If so just ignore the fact I asked u to rate lol.

Created by: Alygirl9000

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Your favorite color/s is/are:
  2. What group do you consider yourself in
  3. Fav type of movies to watch
  4. Siblings?
  5. What do you want most out of these choices:
  6. You love....
  7. The first letter of your name starts with:
  8. My first quiz ever, what do you think so far? I don't even know if I'm making it right DX
  9. If u don't get good results would you be upset :(
  10. If u don't get good results would you be upset :(
  11. Last Q: Favorite food?

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