Could you be my BFF?

Hello! Boredom bringeth another random quiz from yours truly. I have few true friends. If I knew you would You be my BFF or my secret crush or my Frienimy?

Yeah. right, so. I hope you enjoy. This is for girls and guys so sorry if you got something that doesn't fit because making the results got really complicated.

Created by: OwlEyesOctober
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you silly?
  2. Do you do stupid stuff to get attention?
  3. What's you're favorite hair color? (Out of these)
  4. Eye color?
  5. Are you hyper?
  6. Are you loyal? (Very important)
  7. Do you annoy your friends and only stop when they've told you to stop more than once?
  8. Again, Male or Female?
  9. O.O are you sure
  10. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! I need one more question! What am I going to do?!
  11. (Bonus) What out of these is your favorite band?

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