Could you be a mermaid?

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I'm I a mermaid? I'm I a mermaid? I'm I a mermaid? I'm I a mermaid? I'm I a mermaid? I'm I a mermaid? Well, maybe! You can keep your confundince, though!

I'm a mermaid!!!! I'm a mermaid!!!! I'm a mermaid!!!! Yes. Let you actions roam free. At or your lovely YouTube!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Created by: TheMangle

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Hello. Let's begin by meeting a little. My name is TheMangle.
  2. If you saw a stray dog, what would you do?
  3. Oh, do YOU think you could be a mermaid?
  4. Fav tv show?
  5. We'll....
  6. Games?
  7. 'Games' continued.....
  8. Bored yet?
  9. I'm I good at quizzes?
  10. Bye.

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