could we date???

there are lots of fish in the sea but only one that is your soul mate. maybe this quiz will help you figure out who that special someone is. it might be me and if its not then thats one less person to think about.

there are lots of fish in the sea but only one that is your soul mate. maybe this quiz will help you figure out who that special someone is. it might be me and if its not then thats one less person to think about and htat will hopefully make it easier on you.

Created by: daniel
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. are you smart?
  2. are you pretty (it doesnt matter to me i just want to know what you think)
  3. what kind of music do you like?
  4. body type
  5. where do you live
  6. what race are you ( i dont care really, i'm white)
  7. what clicke are you
  8. what class are you (all are worth same except snooty)
  9. whats your sense of humor?
  10. how much attention do you need
  11. idea of a good date
  12. favorite movie genre

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