Could u be a werewolf?

Do you like werewolves or wolves? Well, take this quiz to find out if you are a werewolf or not. See if you have a pack that obeys you or if you are in a pack.

Are you a werewolf or not? Well, find out if you really are a true werewolf. If you are, are you the leader or just part of the pack? Find out!!!

Created by: TaylorLautnerFan
  1. What is ur favorite pet?
  2. Wht is ur favorite wild animal?
  3. Wht is ur fav movie or tv show?
  4. What is ur dream job?
  5. What is ur favorite season?
  6. What is one of the sports u play?
  7. If u were a werewolf, what color would u want 2 be?
  8. If u were a werewolf, what color would u want 2 be?
  9. Do u like running?
  10. Would u want 2 be a werewolf?

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