Cookie Has A Secret ouo

Do you believe you are worthy enough for me to unlock my secrets to you? Do not hate the cookie after this. ~nibbles on a cookie~ do not expect me to

Share. I do not share cookies. I might have share secrets. You just have to wait and find out. Please proceed to the following quiz. I will see you later!~

Created by: CookieChan

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Okie, I haz le secret ^^
  2. So, do you want to know what it is?
  3. Are you sure?
  4. Okie. I might tell you.
  5. Or will I?...
  6. Probably. Most likely not.
  7. Are you worthy enough?
  8. I might tell you. I also might not
  9. Well
  10. Push submit to see if I tell ;-;

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