Completely Random Chance Choice Quiz

well, I have to put something here... ... ... random? RANDOMNESS ... ... ... OK, I'm done. oh, more? well, here's the quiz... though not much of one... just something... random... i guess... it's based on chance...

I call it the random something or other chance quiz. I forgot what I called it. I finished it in, what, half an hour? less? welp, tey it out, see how much luck is on your side. :)

Created by: Isella Howler

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. OK, first chance question!
  2. Next!
  3. Random...
  4. ...
  5. jkswn stands for just kidding so what now
  6. is he your girlfriend?
  7. sing a song of sixpence a pocket full of rye
  9. I bet this is harder than it seems.
  10. ok last one.
  11. not really. now last one.
  12. lol moment.
  13. kittens!!!!!!!! ok, that was the last one.

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