Closer Together Part 11
Hey! ;D wow part 11 already! Lol. I have a feeling you might like this part! Go read Find The Wysteria by rhimicha (after u read my quizzes xD) Omg im tired it was 2am when i made this and the night be4 i stayed up till 4am :/ *yawns* xD. Rate and comment!!! :P
Why does gotoquiz make us do 2 paragraphs!? My wrist hurts from holding my DSI up and typing xD. hope u like this part plz rate and comment. I want cheeseburgers xD. La la la! ok anyway lol. Enjoy and read on. Dont worry tnere will still be kissing with Garrett, Matt, Eric, Jake, and Zack later on :P. Ok bye bye now! PLZ READ THE PARTING WORDS ↓↓↓
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