Christina's quiz

I wanted to create this quiz because I want to know if people really know about me! Especially my friends!! If I have known you for a long time, you should really get a good score!

My title is about me and what I enjoy or like. I wanted to create this not to see what people know about me, but because my friends want to know if they are paying attention to me and what I like!!

Created by: amazon
  1. What is my fav color
  2. Who is my BFF
  3. What is my sis name
  4. What is my fav hobby/sport
  5. Favorite person in the family
  6. My fav animal
  7. What is my favorite tv show
  8. My favorite female singer is:
  9. My favorite male singer is: (not including boy bands!!!)
  10. My favorite teacher: (that I have had so far)

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