chipmunkfever test

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There are many chipmunk fans in the world, but few people that hate alvin and the chipmunks afterall, . What is a chipmunk fan? A chipmunk fan is someone who loves alvin and the chipmunks !

Are YOU a chipmunk fan? Do you have to qualify for that prestigious title? Until now you could only wonder. But thanks to this great quiz, in just a few minutes you will find out

Created by: chipmunkfever
  1. what is your fav coulor
  2. have you seen alvin and the chipmunks 2
  3. what is your fave food
  4. if you where in a rock band what would you do
  5. what is your fave tv chanel
  6. what is your fave song
  7. who is your fave chipmunk in alvin and the chipmunks
  8. what is your fave movie
  9. what is your fave chipette
  10. who is your fave pop group

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