Chapter 9

This quiz is based on the Power Points on the Ukiah high independent study website. It is simple and straight forward and will only take a couple seconds!

Thanks to this quiz you will be able to test yourself on whether or not these power points are working for you. Have fun and enjoy testing your knowledge!

Created by: estefania arredondo of UkiahiIndependentStudy
(your link here more info)

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What are interest groups made up of?
  2. Interest groups help stimulate interest in public affairs
  3. Interest groups are never criticized
  4. How many associates exist in the U.S. today?
  5. Most interest groups are formed on the basis of ________ interest
  6. All interest groups are ONLY formed on the basis of economic concerns
  7. Public interest groups seek to institute certain public policies to benefit ___________
  8. They regularly reach out to the public to accomplish one or all ___ of their goals
  9. They try influencing _________ parties
  10. Lobbying:

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