Chance of surviving post-apocalyptic zombie world

There are some people who are confident in their abilities to survive a zombie apocalypse. But you'll never know for sure unless it actually happens. So here's a quiz to give you a general idea of how you might do.

You've probably taken a few tests like this and I cant say this is the best but just have fun. I made this test as a beta to look in comments for suggestions to work on an even better one so let me know what you think good or bad.

Created by: leon wolf

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Have you ever considered what to do in the event of a zombie pandemic?
  2. Breaking news people are eating people! What is your first thought?
  3. As the news cast ends a zombie bursts through the door
  4. Speaking of weapons do you have any easily accessible within a minute of reading this?
  5. Do you know how to operate and maintain a firearm?
  6. What is your vehicle of choice?
  7. You've got a car, where do you go for supplies?
  8. How much canned food and bottled water do you have in your house?
  9. Is there any other way to kill a zombie other than a shot to the head?
  10. I like pie
  11. You're walking through a narrow hallway, what gun are you carrying?
  12. You're girlfriend has just been bit, what now?
  13. Do you want to stop answering questions and just know your results?
  14. Which of these is closest to your job?
  15. You've got supplies allies and a vehicle. Where's your new home?
  16. Crap your fortress has been breached! Only seconds remain until your zombie chow. What do you take other than survivors and a gun.
  17. While running for your life your best friend died and you got a gash on your arm. You break into a pharmacy what are the 3 most important things you take?
  18. Is there any other way to become infected other than a bite?
  19. When you go out to resupply who comes with you?
  20. Have you ever played zombie video games and watched the movies?
  21. Where do you live?
  22. Have you ever been through a natural disaster?
  23. How long can you run with 25lbs of equipment before needing to rest?
  24. Are you physically fit? Be honest.
  25. How about smarts?
  26. You have a twisted ankle a bunch of running zombies on your tail and the guy helping you looks like hes about to take off, what now?
  27. Can you freerun pretty well?
  28. Do you have hand to hand combat experience?
  29. Last question. Have you ever heard about neurogenesis, Haitian zombies, the Nazi bell, and researched these or similar subjects?

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