Ch 15-17 A&P 2 Thyroid gland

There are many people going to the nursing field. If you are an advanced student you may be interested in taking this test in compliance with chapters 15-17 of the Marieb A&P 8e textbook!

Are you taking human anatomy classes? If you are an advanced student you may be interested in taking this test in compliance with chapters 15-17 of the Marieb 8e textbook!

Created by: Jane
  1. What are the SPECIAL SENSES?
  3. short coarse hairs over skull
  4. A mixed gland composed of both exocrine & endocrine gland cells
  5. Secretes T3/T4 hormones; Controls fast or slow metabolism
  6. Blood functions the regulation of
  7. Function of the blood to protect against
  8. Blood is
  9. Biconcave discs,Filled with hemoglobin , Are the major factor contributing to blood viscosity (RBCs)
  10. WBC's ; Normal response to bacterial or viral invasion
  11. it stops bleeding

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