ceilidh dance quiz!

There are many smart people (and LOTS of smart alecks!), but few true geniuses. You are about to have the chance to prove how much of a genius you are when it comes to ceilidh dancing!

Do you have the background, the brain power ... or maybe just the pure, unadulterated sass to ace this quiz? How much do you know about ceilidh dancing???

Created by: pat beaven
  1. Let's start this off right! The correct pronunciation of CEILIDH is:
  2. A social gathering with music and dancing is called a ceilidh in Scotland. In Ireland it's called a ______.
  3. A well-loved ceilidh dance is called "The Dashing ______ Sergeant".
  4. One of these instruments is NOT usually part of a traditional ceilidh band ...
  5. Many ceilidh dances are danced in 'sets' or groups of dancers. The usual number in a set is:
  6. Which of the following is NOT a traditional ceilidh dance?
  7. The person who announces the dances at a ceilidh and 'reminds' dancers of the steps is called a ...
  8. Which of these steps would NOT be seen as part of a ceilidh dance?
  9. You wouldn't expect to see this group formation on the ceilidh dance floor:
  10. Sometimes (maybe tongue-in-cheek), ceilidh dancing is referred to as "the junk food of _________".

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