Can you survive Z-day

Can you survive Z-day!?! That's right Zombie Day! When the outbreak occurs will you hide, kill, or die!?! Only the best will survive, will you!?! Find out by taking the Z-day Quiz!

Blood, Gore, Emotion, and BRAINS!!!! Will you survive the Zombie outbreak? Find out by taking my quiz! Are you the dead, infected, or the survivor.?!?!? can you survive?!!!??

Created by: Kaleb
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What weapon do you prefer?
  2. Could you access a weapon 30 seconds from now?
  3. How far can you run?
  4. How much can you bench?
  5. Can you operate a weapon?
  6. What vehicle do you prefer?
  7. Do you own the Zombie Survival Guide by Max Brooks?
  8. Where is the best spot to damage a zombie?
  9. Where would the best place to be for you during a Z-day attack?
  10. Can you drive a boat?
  11. Can you fly a plane or Helo ?
  12. What clothing is best to wear?
  13. What is your I.Q.
  14. How many survivors do you expect to have with you?
  15. Someone has been bitten next to you, what do you do?
  16. What is true about Zombies?
  17. What is the best type of group to have?
  18. Does your job involve using firearms?
  19. Are you Gay, or Lesbian?
  20. You have 5 shots for a 500. Mag revolver.[which you have only that revolver] 20 Zombies are moving toward you, Are you Screwed? [No you don't have a jetpack!!!]
  21. Do you plan to lead a group of survivors?
  22. Are you a Terrorist?
  23. You are driving down the road and you see a man missing a foot, Green eyes,and blood all over his body, what do you do?
  24. How many floors do you have in your house/apartment?
  25. You see a bunch of people on the side of the road ,some... you know. You are currently driving a 2 person motor cycle by yourself, who do you take?
  26. You wake up and on the radio, you here that ill, people apparently carrying a virus are attacking other civilians, what do you do?
  27. Where do you live?[in other words where do you normally sleep]
  28. You see 3 survivors trapped trying to fend off Zombies with Shotguns, What do you?

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