Can You Role play With Me?

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This quiz is mainly about if people whom contact on me are actually that good at role play or are allowed to role play with me. Seeing as a lot of people aren't that god at role playing

The reason I made this quiz, is because I want to just mainly talk to people whom are good at role play or are interested n role playing with me, and role playing is kinda what I only care about

Created by: Nathan Wood

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  1. What is the classification of your character?
  2. What age is your character?
  3. How literate would you say you are? Using punctuation and capital letters.
  4. How grammatically correct are you?
  5. What is your style of role playing / length of
  6. What kind of setting would you apply to your first role playing post?
  7. What is your role playing objective with Nathan Wood?
  8. What is the basic personality of your character?
  9. ( For those whom post more than semi - Paragraph, others click other )How long does it take you to reply?
  10. What kind of relationship are you looking for with me, out of character.

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Quiz topic: Can I Role play With Me?