can u date me /girls quiz/

you got it are you ready to date me yep take the quiz you can always date me why dont we get married i would love to call me or video chat me you got ps3

you are about to find out if you can date me or not find out by taking this quiz and btw im a guy so dont be gay and tyr this if your a guy i bet yo might do great

Created by: nick
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. just to let you know im a guy
  2. are you likeable
  3. you think you can date me
  4. do u date losers
  5. are you caring nice strong skinny white and own lots of stuff
  6. are you rich
  7. are you a nerd i dont like nerds
  8. hi
  9. how old are u for real
  10. are you hott
  11. do you have a phone ar a comeputer

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