There are smart and intelligent people, Brain shaker, is after all quite exceptional. who is a brain shaker? this is some one who has an extraordinarily mind who uses his brain to solve complex problems,and see the world through an entirely novel point of view.

Hey have you sat behind the desk? do you have the brain shaker zeal in you? you might be wondering at what is about to quiz you, but wait, chill relax until you find out in a few minutes about what the quiz has to offer to you. ENJOY YOURSELF!.

Created by: Jeremiah Lungu
  1. 'God be with you' is the full original form of which common word?
  2. The high plateau region of SW Brazil, 'Mato Grosso', a watershed between the Amazon and Plate River, means literally?
  3. A 'NiCad' electrical battery or cell is a portmanteau term referring to which two elemental components?
  4. A car moving at 30 miles per hour will travel how far in 10 minutes?
  5. What weapon is named from the French word meaning scratch or graze? (referring to the scratching of spiral grooves along the barrel to encourage straight propulsion)
  6. Catarrhine and Platyrrhine differentiate respectively 'Old World' (Africa/Asia) and 'New World' (Central/S Americas): Monkeys/Apes; Horses; Bees; or Cheese?
  7. The informal term referring to someone or a business seeking easy profit for poor quality provision is a 'Fly-by-(What?)': Wire; Treetops; Numbers; or Night?
  8. What whole two-digit number is the square root of 1,369?
  9. What is a female outer garment, a cut of meat; and a part of a hovercraft and saddle?
  10. A cube which measures 10 inches wide contains how many cubic inches?

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