Body inspection

Some of you may think you know what a man/boy wants but you have no idea. This will determine if you are what men /boys want or not. If you know you are then take it anyway just to be sure.

IF you are sure or jyst know your not what boys like then obviously you need to take this quiz. By doing so yhis test will either improve your selefsteam or drop it even lower than what it already was

Created by: John

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. When a boy slaps you on your ass what would you do?
  2. When a boy grabs your chest what would you do?
  3. when dancing with a boy what type of dance should you do?
  4. if you like a boy what should you do?
  5. if you know a boy likes you but you dont like him back what should you do
  6. when at the movies how far would you let the boy go?
  7. where would you go on your first date?
  8. when in a tight space with your boyfriend where should you sit?
  9. if a boy grabs ur crouch what should you do?
  10. if a boy tells you he likes you what does that mean

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