Betrayed part 4

See who you'll get this time. You find your power. Carter will be in the next quiz so come back for part 5. Ummmmmmm comment and rate I promise poart 5 will be out as soon as I can and I have time.

Part 5 will be out soon. Meghan Ciara Brittany Victoria and Christina are still here. Remeber the essantals about all of them. And just think by the end of my little part you will be betrayed al lest once by eather your friends Carter or James.

Created by: Mihilo
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. So you hear the long bang, you turn around, and you see Christina being carried away, Meghan in tears, Brittany screaming, Ciara hoving by Meghan, and James comforting Meghan.
  2. Without knowing it all of you are back at Meghan's house. She's still crying with James and Ciara by her. Victoria and Brittany are finding out what happend. You go and hug Meghan.
  3. She hugs back. When you pull away Meghan goes into her room and you hear quiet sobbing. Ciara goes into there and you hear "Christina w-was always there, a-and I didn't do a-a-anthing to stop this from h-h-happinig!"
  4. Odly you feel James rubbing your back then you relize your crying too.
  5. "Hey ____ would you like to know what your power is because as I said I lied and I'm not proud of it" You nod lightly and he contuies "You can control the 4 elemnts, Fire, Water, Air, and Earth"
  6. Even stranger you belive him because of all the weird things that have happend. "You can control fire the best. We are also giving you a new name"
  7. Solomly you agree with some regrets. "Your new name is Carlotta the fire bringer."
  8. (Doesn't effect score) Do you like the name Carlotta?
  9. "If I can conrtol elements then can I control like metal?" James replies "Yes but Fire Water Air and Earth are the easiest for you."
  10. You can begin training tommorow. James says.
  12. Who do you love?

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