Best quiz ever...

Random test to measure your awesome-ness! I know you want to find out. Are you as cool as a ninja-pirate-jedi knight? Do you like hobos? I have NO idea!

I am, quite possibly, the greatest person on this planet. But I'm full of crap, too. You're bored, otherwise you wouldn't be here - so take my lovely, lovely little quiz and find out if YOU have what it takes to be as awesome as me.

Created by: s---head

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you enjoy video games? You know, battle big bad dragons... save princesses, kick the schitz out of your opponent.
  2. You know, they SAY that taking online personality quizzes (Which this basically is, since I am determening your level of awesome-ness.) shows lack of personality... What do you think 'bout that?
  3. Do you wear fur/leather just to piss off animal rights-activists?
  4. Do you force your religious/political/ethical beliefs upon others?
  5. How about drugs? (This includes everything from heavy prescription-drugs to heroin.) I just want your general opinion.
  6. Do you consider alcohol and tobacco drugs?
  7. Do you have any prejudices?
  8. Pick one:
  9. Do you consider yourself to be unique ?
  10. I'm getting lazy. Last one! Choose:

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