Best friend quiz

There are people. Some of which know me well. Some not so well. Some I just HATE. Let's see if you are one of those people or if you are a true genuine friend.

So are you my BFFLNMWAFE? All you have to do is know several random facts about me. If you're lucky I have already told you some of the answers beforehand.

Created by: foggysoul11

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is my favorite color combination?
  2. What Hunger Games district would I be in?
  3. How many digits of pi do I know by heart
  4. What colors is my favorite shirt?
  5. What is my (real, outside outside of gotoquiz) zodiac sign?
  6. What is my second choice for a zodiac sign?
  7. What is my (sadly) spirit animal?
  8. What is my second favorite animal (first is a tiger)?
  9. What is my dream car?
  10. Which 2 core subjects am I best at?
  11. Final Question: How do you perceive me?

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