Bellarosa branch quiz

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Find out which branch of the family you belong to, The Bellarosa, Akiyama, Lerose, Lebell, Kurorosa, Belladona, Or the mysterious 7th branch filled with harpies

Take this test and see if your as Regal as a Bellarosa, As loyal as an Akiyama. As nurturing as the Lerose, As observant as the Lebell, As viciously murderous as the Kurorosa, As unknown as the Belladona, Or as Freely mysterious at the Mararosa.

Created by: StazyBellarosa
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What species are you?
  2. Your walking through a field, What is in this field?
  3. What do you think your purpose in life is?
  4. What is your color?
  5. You have an unnatural talent, what is it?
  6. What is the role you want?
  7. There is about to be a war which chess piece are you?
  8. You've been captured? How do you plan to excape?
  9. Which family do you want to be apart of?
  10. Who is your family leader?
  11. Do you watch and keep notes
  12. Do you love to fly free and not be bound to anything or anyone?
  13. Are you a good leader
  14. Do you protect those you care for?
  15. Do you like to garden?
  16. Have you ever killed, and felt absolutely no regret?

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