
MANY girls are so unsure if a guy likes them... They have very subtle signs... exspecially in middle school when boys are idots but you may find out if that one guy likes you.

Take the following quiz to find out if he truely likes you. He could he might not we have to see the signs then face the truth... Destiny is in your near future!!!!!

Created by: noneofurbussiness
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Does he stare at you?
  2. Are you guys friends?
  3. Does he no you exist
  4. when do you talk to him?
  5. Has he ever...?
  6. do you like him
  7. Has he ever asked you out?
  8. do his friends treat you strangely
  9. does he tease you?
  10. do you think he likes you?

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