Bad Girls Don't Die

Heeeeyyyyyyyeeeeyyyyyeyeyeyeyeye peeeeeeppppppppssssss. Just leave now before you explode. This is all an illusion. You will wake in 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, now!!!!

I am just experimenting okay. So just please leave now. I don't want you to explode. La ALS ALS al nana Ana an lalalalal nana Ana. Okay, I'm done now

Created by: 1Direction Gurl

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. So hey you
  2. Nanana
  3. So about this weather?
  4. Don't take this
  5. Leave now
  6. Kick innocent bunnies
  7. Don't trust fish
  8. Blame everything on Harry
  9. This is stupid
  10. Love sick puppy

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