AXO Initiation Exam

Hi ladies! This is a little bit of a practice quiz for the nation initiation exam you are going to be taking tomorrow. Hopefully you have been studying up!

This is not the same form of the test you will be taking at meetings! The test will be exactly like the handout i gave you, so study that MOST. This quiz is just for a little extra practice.

Created by: Chelsey Thorpe
  1. What is the founding date of Alpha Chi Omega?
  2. What is the founding University, city/state of the Alpha Chi Omega fraternity?
  3. What are the colors of the Alpha Chi Omega women's fraternity?
  4. What is our open motto?
  5. Describe the origin of our name?
  6. Describe the origin of our badge
  7. When is founders day celebrated?
  8. When is Hera Day celebrated?
  9. What is Hera Day?
  10. When is MacDowell Month?
  11. Why do we celebrate McDowell month?
  12. What is alpha chi omega's number one altruism?
  13. What is the name of your province collegiate chair?
  14. Which of these is NOT a chapter in your province?
  15. Where is our Headquarters located?
  16. Name our National President?
  17. What is the legislative body of Alpha Chi Omega?
  18. Who is our Executive Director?
  19. Where do you find the Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws, Heritage and Policies of Alpha Chi Omega Fraternity?
  20. What document or documents govern your collegiate chapter?
  21. Name the body composed of women's social fraternities.
  22. What other womens fraternities are NOT at your school?
  23. What is your chapter name?
  24. How many Alpha Chi Omega Chapters and colonies are there nationally?
  25. When was your chapter founded?
  26. ARE YOU GOING TO MEMORIZE THE 7 founders, symphony and greek alphabet?
  27. which one of these is not a membership standard?

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