Asian TEST! (and Eu People Test)

Many asians are in this world are you one of them? Take this test or else! Be asian I have to say more stuff not because not enough words I need 150 there done!

Are you an asian? Take this quiz! And find out! I need 100 more characters sorry I now need 70 more be patients please if you are reading this and I am done now go take this quiz?

Created by: DragoSlayDude
  1. Gurl boi or oda
  2. R U mathy
  3. Noodle dumplin or rice.
  4. Do you play a lot?
  5. Straight As?
  6. Bad car driver?
  7. Wut your parents say?
  8. Wut your parents say?
  9. U no kungfu?
  10. Prwetty or hansum?
  11. What do you do for weekend?
  12. :D xd D:

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