are you weird or not?

This is the part where i'm supposed to tell you what this quiz is all about but unfortunately,I'm a lazy's what's gonna'll just shut up and take the quiz.

Then,you'll get your results.if you're weird,not my problem.if you're normal,also not my problem.but don't forget to comment....please.thank you...blah blah blah

Created by: irene nachie
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If you see a trashcan,what do you do to it?
  2. If you're caught peeing in a bottle,what's your excuse?
  3. Translate this: da21ra ma2,3 pa22da Maya pa1natasa
  4. Do you think blended tomato with sugar is tasty?
  5. White top,black pleat skirt,pigtails,nerd glasses,armpit hair....what d' you think?
  6. Spaghetti blended with chunks of meatball with yoghurt and finally...broccoli.
  7. Pants first or underwear first?
  8. ......
  9. 😊😊😊
  10. I love meat!

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Quiz topic: Am I weird or not?