Are You Truly a Sonic Fan!?

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There are many sonic fans out there that don't know if they are true sonic fans like ME. If you are a sonic fan and want to find out, take this quiz!

Are YOU a sonic fan?Do you have the love to qualify for the prestigious title?Until now you could only wonder.But thanks to this great quiz,in just a few minutes you will find out!

Created by: Brandon Hernandez
  1. Who is sonic the hedgehog?
  2. what color is sonic?
  3. is super mario awesome!?
  4. What is Sonic's favorite food?
  5. What was sonic's first video game?
  6. What system did it appear on??
  7. What company was sonic with?
  8. What is sonic's hair style?
  9. What were Sonic's comics published by back in the '90s?
  10. Can sonic turn into super sonic in his first game?
  11. Do you even know who they are???
  12. Name all the characters in the sonic universe!
  13. Name a few sonic couples
  14. Do you own any sonic items?
  15. What is dr.robotnik's IQ?
  16. Is there such thing as sonic x?
  17. Time for Tails Qustions!
  18. What game did tails make his first appearance?
  19. What color is Tails now?
  20. Who is tail's best frend?
  21. Who is tail's 2nd best friend?
  22. Who does tails LOVE?
  23. Is tails awesome in your opinion?
  24. Does Tails ever get his own video game?
  25. How about show?
  26. How old is sonic?
  28. Who is the producer of sega/sonic?
  29. LAST QUESTION! Did you like this quiz?
  30. EXTRA! whos the best couple of sonic!?
  31. ........

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Quiz topic: Am I Truly a Sonic Fan!?