Are you the perfect girl for me?

Ever wondered if we would be a good couple? I came up with a quiz about having a relationship with me and will be scored on which answers u chose and was the answer i liked best. It doesn't matter how you score cause ill never hate you for it =P

Ever had a crush on me? or just curious if we would make a good couple. Take my quiz and find out! Score high and your never know what could happen. You could even be the perfect girl and we both never knew it. if you score high talk to me if you want and we could see where it goes from there.

Created by: 26789K
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Whats the best way for me to show you my love?
  2. How would you want me to show you my affection?
  3. How tall do u like your boyfriend to be?
  4. Would you rather want me to?
  5. Favorite Season?
  6. favorite drink
  7. Favorite Fruit?
  8. If you could have any super power what would it be?
  9. Whats the most important key in a relationship to you?
  10. Whats your perfect date?
  11. Favorite thing to do when bored?

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Quiz topic: Am I the perfect girl for me?