Are you smarter then a 5th grader?

this quiz is fun i hope you like it!! hi my name is becky lehane so just because i made this test that does not mean that i can tell you all the answers

it took me a really long time soooo ...... enjoy! hi my name is becky lehane so just because i made this test that does not mean that i can tell you all the answers

Created by:
  1. how many sides does a quadrilateral have?
  2. what was the first ship that the pilgrams first took to america?
  3. how many states are there?
  4. true or false polor bears eat penguins?
  5. if the diameter of the circle is 16 feet what is the radius?
  6. what does the sum mean?
  7. who first discovered america?
  8. how many lines of symetry does a pentagon have?
  9. how many years is 1 term for u.s. representative?
  10. Sans Salvador i which island now?

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Quiz topic: Am I smarter then a 5th grader?