Are You Real Cool? by RickieIsCool
Some people are really cool but some people aren't so take me quiz to see if you are cool or not. I don't know I would take it if I wanted to know if I was cool.
Did you know that if you lick someone's elbow while they're not paying attention then they won't feel it? I do it all the time to my mom and my cool stepdad and they never notice. By the way my cool stepdads name is Antonio hi Antonio if your taking this quiz or if your just a random person named Antonio. Oh I also have 7 brothers and that's 8 kids including me isn't that crazy? That's a lot of kids. My brothers names are Ryan, Cooper, Devon, Brant, Caden, Xavier, and Nathan. Nathan is my super cool brother and I think he'd pass this quiz. Oh and so would Antonio because he's real cool too?
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