Are you nialls girl??? Or not???

im brifely describing my thingie in a bunch of a bunch of words like the st cat bat sat duh duhduhsduh and a ton of other peoples blah blah blah hi people

im brifely describing my thingie in a bunch of a bunch of words like the st cat bat sat duh duhduhsduh and a ton of other peoples blah blah blah hi people

Created by: cupcake34664443

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Do you eat alot?
  2. How would you r4eact to seeing him on the street
  3. so niall invites you to dinner- you choose the plavce you choose...
  4. (if you did not choose nandos hit did not choose nandos) NAndos he says eyes wide? i love nandos how do you r4eact
  5. He says during dinner that your eyes are pretty
  6. he offers you a ride home you say
  7. How many siblings do you have
  8. he hold your hand in the car
  9. at the end of the night he smiles and kleans in to kiss you... You
  10. He asks you out blushing after he kisses you or you push away

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Quiz topic: Am I nialls girl??? Or not???