are you nerdy or cool

Once upon a time… Ding-dong! Ill gets it. Package for a Mr. Ricky, sine here. (scribble of Ricky’s pen on paper) ok here you go , one pair of super deluxe snail roller skate. The price will be twelve dollars and ninety nine cents, plus tax.. WHAT!? it’s that expensive, well I’ve got some cereal box coupon’s. how many? About 45 for buy one get five free cheesy poof’s. well, umm you’ve got yourself a deal! See ya latter Ricky. Bye Mr. delivery dude, thanks! Now to put them on. Hey where do I attach them,, I have no arm’s or leg’s. hmm, where can I get some legs. Oh I know the fake leg emporium. To day there having a two for one sale. But first I’d better got get poblo. Hey poblo are you home? Yah I’m home, what do you want? Want to come on a trip to the leg emporium in the city? Ok ill be right there. Hey Ricky its me Edna , where are you to going? Were off to the leg emporium . Can I come? Sure join the club we got jackets. Really? No not really . Oh ok, lets go! Hey Ricky, what? Remind me again why are we going to get a leg? Well I need two legs to use my super deluxe snail roller skates. Supper deluxe SNAIL roller skates. Yup, why do you ask? Because I got some for my birthday last year. And your point is? My point s in the bottom of the box there’s a roll of super sticky stay tape so you don’t need to use leg, you tape I too your belly! Oh I should of used the directions first. Sorry guy for making you come all this way. Its okay Ricky we all had fun and look, Edna even found some jackets for us! Really., what do they say? They say: super deluxe tape rules!! Yay, hooray, we got jackets boo-yaah!!! The end!!!

Once upon a time… Ding-dong! Ill gets it. Package for a Mr. Ricky, sine here. (scribble of Ricky’s pen on paper) ok here you go , one pair of super deluxe snail roller skate. The price will be twelve dollars and ninety nine cents, plus tax.. WHAT!? it’s that expensive, well I’ve got some cereal box coupon’s. how many? About 45 for buy one get five free cheesy poof’s. well, umm you’ve got yourself a deal! See ya latter Ricky. Bye Mr. delivery dude, thanks! Now to put them on. Hey where do I attach them,, I have no arm’s or leg’s. hmm, where can I get some legs. Oh I know the fake leg emporium. To day there having a two for one sale. But first I’d better got get poblo. Hey poblo are you home? Yah I’m home, what do you want? Want to come on a trip to the leg emporium in the city? Ok ill be right there. Hey Ricky its me Edna , where are you to going? Were off to the leg emporium . Can I come? Sure join the club we got jackets. Really? No not really . Oh ok, lets go! Hey Ricky, what? Remind me again why are we going to get a leg? Well I need two legs to use my super deluxe snail roller skates. Supper deluxe SNAIL roller skates. Yup, why do you ask? Because I got some for my birthday last year. And your point is? My point s in the bottom of the box there’s a roll of super sticky stay tape so you don’t need to use leg, you tape I too your belly! Oh I should of used the directions first. Sorry guy for making you come all this way. Its okay Ricky we all had fun and look, Edna even found some jackets for us! Really., what do they say? They say: super deluxe tape rules!! Yay, hooray, we got jackets boo-yaah!!! The end!!!

Created by: alexandre
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. do u like homework?
  2. do u have tons of friends?
  3. do u get invited to parties?
  4. do you read books?
  5. are u lazy or active?
  6. do u like this quiz?
  7. did u lie on any questions?
  8. blah?
  9. do u like pie!
  10. h

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Quiz topic: Am I nerdy or cool