Are you MY type of weird?

Alright, fine: this quiz isn't really measuring your WEIRDNESS in comparison to my own. I am weird and proud of it, though :D so I wanna see how many "weirdos" like me are out there...are we endangered?

If you end up being a lot like me, then just know that I know how you feel ( a more general sense). If you're not a lot like me, then it's okay. People have their differences, and I got tired of making more questions, so there's no telling how different or similar we really are.

Created by: i_am_poet
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Pick the hobby that is similar to your hobby
  2. Marco
  3. If your crush would be anywhere during lunchtime, he would be
  4. Pick the food that's closest to your favorite food/ food group.
  5. Rate music on a scale of 0 to 5 (5 the highest, obviously, but you may be tired right now...)
  6. And poetry/any type of writing...
  7. And sports
  8. Parties
  9. People
  10. Justin Beiber...
  11. Did you like the quiz?
  12. If you put #4 for the previous question, just go to YouTube and put in "BornIntoSpring". That's me.

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Quiz topic: Am I MY type of weird?