Are You My Long Lost Twin ?? ;)

This is my first quiz hope yhu guys like it & plz comment or rate if I did good or bad I won't get mad if yhu don't Bt plz comment & rate plz plz its my first quiz :)

This quiz is bout if yhu are my long lost twin if yhur not sorry if yhu r leave yhur name in the comments !!!! I always wondered if I ever had a lost twin Bt I wonder if I do :)

Created by: lupita XD
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What's yhur fav song ?
  2. What is yhur fav artist ??
  3. Where would yhu go ?
  4. What's yhur fav movie ?
  5. What's yhur fav random word ??
  6. Ima out of questions
  7. What's yhur fav language ? -- jzt came up with that one ^.^
  8. How does yhur bf/gf have to be ??
  9. What is yhur personality ??
  10. Love this quiz ??

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Quiz topic: Am I My Long Lost Twin ?? ;)