Are You My Friend?

This quiz and quizzes to come are about me and what you know. They are personal and for people who belive to be my friends. You may partake of my quiz if you know me... Good luck!

And They Said They Were My Friends... So I Tested Them! They Said It Was Mean To Do But Were Suprised At What They Found Out! Now they want to make one to... Just try it!

Created by: Tim
  1. What Is My Favorite Color?
  2. What Sport Do I Like Best?
  3. What Year Was I Born?
  4. What One Piece Of Jewelry Do I Always Wear?
  5. What Does The Jewelry Say?
  6. What Do I Like?
  7. What Is My Favorite Car?
  8. When Was I Adopted?
  9. What Do I Do For A Living?
  10. Who Do I Like More?

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Quiz topic: Am I My Friend?