Are you moving soon???

hi my name is... well I can't tell you, but I can tell you that I am moving to AL. I hope you like this quiz! I made this quiz because I was bored. I hope you enjoy!!!

I will hunt you down if you don't comment! I hope you enjoy the quiz of awesomeness!!! Go to studio c. Move move and move and you will be happy!!!! have fun.

Created by: sdog
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you/parent have a job that requires moving?
  2. Do you have experience moving?
  3. would you want to move?
  4. Do you have a history of moving in your extended family?
  5. Do you look at houses on Google maps??
  6. Do you like this quiz (doesn't affect score)??
  7. Do you want to see the results??
  9. Do you need to check your answers
  10. Go check your answers.
  11. ...
  12. here is your answer

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Quiz topic: Am I moving soon???