Are you meant for each other?

Okay, this is my first quiz peoples. I came with the first thing that came to mind...LOVE!!! Ok I have to have a 2 paragraph decription about my guiz.

I hope you all enjoy my quiz. If you don't then that is fine because this is only my first quiz. I will most likely start doing love story quizzes. You know, the ones where 2 or more guys likes a girl(you) and that girl (you) has to choose one. Yea so have fun!

Created by: LovelyBones

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you go to the same school?
  2. Are you best friends?
  3. Do you like him?
  4. Why do you like him?
  5. Ok these last few questions have no effect...I just need at least 12 questions?
  6. Has he ever hugged you? (this counts)
  7. Im so sorry I lied but this is the last one that counts. (the one after this one counts, not this one)
  8. Do u ever catch him staring at you?
  9. (no effect) O_O
  10. You better comment!!!

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Quiz topic: Am I meant for each other?